Friday, May 4, 2007

Ms. Miami, Justine Llanes

Justine Llanes is a 20 year old student at Florida International University and a native Floridian! She attends the university on a scholarship that was awarded to her based on a 4.2 GPA and her community service.
Justine has been a mentor and a motivational speaker since the age of 15. She is a long time active member of the Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Miami organization and a volunteer mentor. Volunteering and giving back to her community has been a part of her life for many years. Having grown up in an area where high school drop out rates were high, Justine decided early on to pass along her passion for learning and desire to achieve. Over the years she has spoken at Juvenille detention centers and opportunity high schools, and has been an inspiration to many young people in and around her community.
In 2006 Justine received a special commendation from the City of Hialeah for her community service, an honor she is most proud of.
Recently, Justine was awarded a scholarship to the NY School for Film and Television, the same school that Miss Universe attends! This was very exciting for Justine, who is majoring in broadcast communications and minoring in Sociology and theater.
In her spare time, Justine enjoys taking Chinford Bennington to the dog park, dancing, singing and choreographing pageants and fashion shows.
Justine is proud to represent her hometown, Miami in the Florida US pageant.

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